Volunteer Firefighter

Entry level Volunteer firefighter and firefighter/EMT-B

The fire district accepts applications for volunteer firefighter all year round. The district plans at least 1 fire academy a year for new volunteers or sends our recruits to a regional fire academy. After the academy our new volunteers attend the county EMT basic class to be certified as emergency medical technicians. Those who apply to the district with previous experience qualify for advanced entry.  

EMS only positions

Grays Harbor Fire District #2 recognizes that not everyone wants to be a firefighter and only want to do the medical side of our trade. Those wanting to be EMT-B’s with the district will work side by side with our firefighter/paramedics learning how to provide prehospital care. 

Application requirements

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age
  • Possess a valid Washington State drivers license.
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED.
  • Excellent Physical Condition.
  • Pass written and physical examinations, oral interview, criminal background and driving record check.


Fire District Application

Application download: D2-application


For further information email us at recruitment@ghfd2.com


Volunteer Entry Process


Position opening and closing dates

We take applications all year round. When time gets closer to the academy or EMT class applicants will be contacted for the next step.


The interview process will consist of multiple questions to gauge the applicants qualifications for the position.

Physical agility test

GHFD #2 uses a physical agility test that will measure whether or not the applicant can manage similar physical tasks of a firefighter or an EMT.

Chiefs interview

Those passing the interview and have been moved on in the process will be scheduled to have an interview with Fire Chief or Deputy Chief.

Eligibility and academy dates

Upon completion the applicant will be given a time line and date of the next fire academy or EMT class.